
SLBA is now Leite Borges

SLBA is now Leite Borges

In 2024 we celebrate our 8th anniversary!

Thank you for keeping us company during this great adventure.
Thank you for your trust and preference, we deeply appreciate it.

Celebration always comes with new beginnings. Therefore, we want to share with our community our new image and our new website. A new chapter that reinforces our commitment to our clients.

One more step in our growth to consolidate our way of thinking about legal matters. A new visual identity that highlights who we are and what we stand for.

Strong partnerships. Solid relationships. Timeless outcomes.

Outcomes based on the best practices of law combined with the most ingenious perspectives to overcome every challenge.

Bringing people together.
Aiming for excellence.
Standing for innovation.

Now, the best is yet to come.

We will, as always, continue to think legal out of the box.

Take a glimpse at our future.