Sofia Leite Borges

Managing Partner
Mind maps, strategic thinking

Working in the financial services industry, as a lawyer and legal counsel, for over 25 years, Sofia Leite Borges has had the opportunity to work with the Portuguese Securities and Exchange Commission and, subsequently, as a lawyer for major banks, financial companies, venture capital companies and market players, including rating agencies, central securities depositaries, settlement systems, issuers, and the government, amongst others, and as legal counsel to the ministry of finance cabinet.

This broad experience has given her a unique view of the financial sector and a strong knowledge of the industry from both a technical and a practical perspective.

Sofia has vast experience in compliance, regulatory and governance matters and is good at problem-solving and in finding cost-effective solutions that reflect the client's uniqueness, while dynamically allowing for a correct balance of its risk posture.


PT | EN | FR


Capital Markets, Financial Intermediation, Undertakings for Collective Investment, Venture Capital, Banking, Insurance and International Agreements

Related knowledge


Leite Borges was present at the 10th Edition of the "Best Funds Jornal de Negócios/ APFIPP Awards – 2024", as Gold Sponsor.