Terms and Conditions

The content of this website is made available for the purpose of providing general information and does not constitute the provision of legal services.

Leite Borges excludes its liability for any damage that may occur in connection with the information contained on this website. This website is purely informative and has no advertising content.

Leite Borges authorises the downloading and temporary storage of the content of this website for the purpose of viewing it on a personal device. Reproduction, permanent storage or retransmission of the content of this website is expressly prohibited without the prior written authorisation of Leite Borges. All rights relating to this website are the exclusive property of Leite Borges.

The images of people displayed are the property of Leite Borges or are used with its authorisation. The use of these images by users or anyone else authorised by users is prohibited, unless specifically authorised by these Terms and Conditions or by specific permission given elsewhere on the website. Any unauthorised use of the images may violate intellectual property, trademark, personality rights and publicity laws, and possibly other laws and regulations.

In addition, Leite Borges has the exclusive right, at any time, to suspend, partially or totally, access to the website, in particular for management, maintenance, repair, alteration or modernisation operations, and to close it, permanently or temporarily, partially or totally.

Collected information

Browsing this website does not necessarily imply the provision of personal data, since no personal data identifying a user is automatically recorded.

Leite Borges may collect non-personal, non-identifiable information about a specific user for the purposes of monitoring the use of its services and to help develop and improve its website.

Processing of personal data

Leite Borges is committed to protecting user privacy. Although browsing the website does not necessarily imply the provision of personal data, we do collect the information that users choose to fill in on the website's forms.

In order for the personal data collected by filling in forms to be used, Leite Borges will provide users with the necessary information so that they can give their consent to the processing beforehand.

For any questions regarding the processing of your data, please consult the Leite Borges Privacy Policy available here.

Accuracy, limitation of liability and exclusion of warranties

Leite Borges will use reasonable diligence to ensure that all the information contained on the website is accurate and up-to-date.

However, the use and reading of the contents of this website is solely at the risk of the users and the website is made available on an "as is" basis. Leite Borges makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding the use of this website and the materials contained therein.

Leite Borges assumes no responsibility for any errors and/or omissions in the information contained on this website.

Leite Borges expressly excludes any liability for any damages or viruses that may infect users' computer or mobile device, or other property, when accessing or browsing the website or downloading material from the website to their computer or mobile device.

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

By using this website, users agree to the collection and use of their information as set out in the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Leite Borges reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy at any time and without prior notice, and the changes will be published on this website.